Many high school graduates enter college with the assumption of completing a 4-year degree and accepting a full-time career position shortly after graduation. While this dream is accomplished by some, it is not the only opportunity available for these young men and women. The skilled trades offer so much more than a career and with the growing skills gap, this opportunity can be the ideal choice for many.
Those most aware of the ever-increasing skilled trades gap are those within view of retirement as well as the trade profession companies looking to hire to fill this gap. The skilled trades gap is defined by the employment shortage in the skilled trade industry due to the retirement and near retirement of the Baby Boomer generation. Baby boomers are the generation born within the 1946 to 1964. While the youngest of the baby boomers is in their early 50’s, the oldest are in their early 70’s and well within the retirement stage of life. The decline in the baby boom workforce has created a great need for more laborers in all industries but the skilled trades are the most severely impacted by this gap.
The MikeroweWORKS foundation is a public charity for those looking to pursue their passions within the skilled trades. They have awarded more than $3 million in education for trade schools all across the country. This foundation has opened the door for many young graduates to expand their capacity for skilled jobs and offered numerous opportunities for companies to train those passionate in their fields. The Profoundly Disconnected campaign was created by Mike Rowe to challenge the belief in success being found solely in a 4-year degree. This campaign is supported by over a dozen companies in several industries and has awarded hundreds of scholarships to young adults nationwide.
As one of those companies looking to invest in the lives of America’s youth, we strive to educate our hires with the high standards we have set in our industry as well as provide quality on-the-job training for those interested in learning how to become a polished concrete Craftsman. We believe in working harder AND working smarter to provide high-quality work, maintaining a safe working environment, and producing a flawlessly finished floor for every client we serve. Our team is unified under the common belief in working hard to achieve a high-quality product, setting high standards in our industry, and maintaining unparalleled integrity and ethics in business.
We take immense pride in our philosophy of always doing the right thing and we want to help instill our passion for quality and ethics into those entering the labor force. By partnering with us, you can be a part of the solution to the skilled trades gap and gain a valuable education through hands-on learning of the concrete polishing industry. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website to apply for a position on the Royale Concrete team.
P.O. BOX 1477, FAIRFIELD, IOWA 52556